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Unsafe food for babies and small children

Avoid Foods That Choke: Generally, foods that are round and firm, slippery, sticky, or cut in large chunks may cause your child to choke. Do not serve your infant any of the following:

  • nuts and seeds
  • raw carrots and celery
  • raw peeled apple and pear slices
  • unpeeled fruits and vegetables
  • whole beans
  • whole kernel corn
  • cherry tomatoes
  • whole grapes
  • berries
  • cherries with pits
  • raisins, dates and other dried fruits
  • large chunks of cheese or meat (especially tough meats)
  • hot dogs
  • peanuts
  • peanut butter
  • adult dry cereal
  • popcorn
  • chips
  • pretzels
  • pickles
  • whole olives
  • marshmallows (regular and miniature)
  • hard candies
  • gel or gummy candies
  • jelly beans
  • taffy
  • caramels
  • cough drops
  • chewing gum
  • hot, sticky breads that can “ball up” and cause choking
  • fish, chicken, or turkey with bones
  • We recommend Littoes Baby Food Maker to mash, grind, grate, or filter food in safe forms for babies. 

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